No Funeral

Hi, MMV didn’t have a funeral. It’s alive and well,  on its way to take a new avatar.

I’m a scatterbrain, and my thoughts about my blog also began to scatter. So I started 3 other ones but could not proceed further. His Servant’s Voice was not bad though, I managed to scribble some poetry. But the other attempts were dead in my head itself.

There are always two things warring in our life, competing with each other for our energy and attention. One being the have-to-do’s and the other being the want-to-do’s. Writing for me is a want-to-do.

The energy and enthusiasm that drives me towards the have-to-do’s is directly proportional to the energy that I spend on writing. The more I write, the more enthusiastic I am about my job, my studies, my friends, my family and my world.

Don’t neglect what you want to do, just because your responsibilities are mounting. Write that story, paint that potrait, design that dress, cook that meal, publish that website, write that song, create that band, play cricket, and go and meet those friends.

It’s your life, and you wont have another chance to live it.  Stop reading this and get going..and hey! no facebook on the other tab.

Before you go, tell me what is that you really want to do, chose to be anonymous if you wish!

Published in: on September 6, 2010 at 4:00 pm  Comments (2)  

The Master Delayed

There are a few strands of silver on my head (I never obeyed my mother when when it came to gulping jumbo tea mugs!!). I think its that……or maybe the fact that I am now a graduate who is very conveniently ‘occupied’.I don’t really know what…..but there’s something on my face right now, that makes people think that I can help them make decisions.

Appearances can be deceptive, and so is mine. My mind is always in a state of creative chaos, and before I make a decision, huge tornadoes take over my thinking faculties.

But I have a faithful Master. The slightest disturbance will bend me, but the even the greatest crisis can’t break me. His Grace has always been sufficient.

I had an opportunity to speak to a younger girl, a few weeks ago. She was in a fix about her college education. She had decided to discontinue due to family circumstances, and really didn’t know what to do next.

She thought I can help her and came to me for some advice.She came up with her problems, and within a few hours, she left my room with a solution.

A few days later, I was in a faith crisis. My prayers were reduced to silent sighs because my heart was filled with so many questions that I could never dare to ask.Doubts certainly make you sink, but they sure can’t drive the Master away and my faithful Master came to my rescue.

He made me to recall the counsel that I had given the girl a few days back.The thoughts that were in my head that day rang back.

First, I listened to her situation.As I did so, I started taking mental notes of her limitations.Her personality faults, Her financial constraints, her lack of exposure, her family burdens and all the other things that have made her life so hard.

Second, I started looking around for the various options available for a person of her age and background.

Third, I began to map the options available to the limitations in her life. In another sense, I gave her a solution carved from within the painful circumstances in her own life. She had only this much, so this is all that she can expect for her life.This was my attitude.My solution.

My conscience knew that my solution would not give her the best life,however she could begin to see something immediately. I was more concerned about how fast she can settle in life, than how best she can settle in her life.

Fortunately, my Master’s mind is so profound and honorable than my short sight and tunnel vision.

The human mind, is always looking at the finite. Looking for answers within boundaries.But God does not work within our boundaries. He does not give us an answer from our limitations. Rather He works to transform our disadvantages to our greatest assets.

There is something beautiful and perfect in God’s design for each of His children. But we mess up allowing the adversary to eat up our potential and sap our energy.Then we allow cobwebs, boulders, thorns and weeds in our beautiful garden. Now, we get on our knees and ask God to help us bring forth a few wild berries, because we believe that that is all we are capable of producing now.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. John 15:16 [NIV]

But it was the Master who planted the garden.Only He knows the harvest you are capable of producing. Just because you asked, he wont give you just the few wild berries. He’ll remove every weed, every rock and thorny bush and push you out of your boundaries and extend your borders and bring forth the huge harvest that He intended.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2 [NIV]

Nothing in the hands of the Master is ordinary material.

“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. ” 1 Peter 5:6 [NLT]

Waiting times, are not just times when your faith grows and your intimacy with God intensifies.But while you are waiting, it means God is working. He is working on your character, on your family, on your future,on your finances, on the wounds of the past, on the consequences of your wrong choices…….

He is working on His Masterpiece.

While He is working, it is a lot more easier when you are praising instead of grumbling, learning instead of idling, repenting instead of resisting and depending on the Master instead of running after the demands of the world.

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]. ” 1 Thess 5:18 [Amp]

At the end of it, you’re not going to get what you asked for, but something more than your imagination.

” I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.”
Psalm 40:1 [NIV]

Do you want a quick fix in your life ?


Do you want the real Masterpiece in you to be revealed ?


P.S : You sure are worried about the girl I counseled. God didn’t leave her to the mercy of my pathetic counsel. 🙂 He was her counselor, He intervened in her finances and led her to do a great course beyond all her perceived limitations.

Published in: on July 5, 2009 at 3:27 pm  Comments (1)  

With Chance, Merry Christmas

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”, Jesus was the revelation of God’s love.

But I believe that my Master had another message as well when He sent His Son.

Jesus is, God saying, “Here, HE is your last chance”.

Since the devil corrupted the human race, the one thing we all do in common is play the blame game. Blame each other and get kicked out of Eden, we do this all our lives. This eats our joy and most importantly our potential.Our potential to be what our Maker really made us to be.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

You started off with zeal, but somewhere down the road, you lost track of your route.Now you find yourself in a place that is truly detestable. A life steadily drowning in a deluge of secret sin.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

Nice words no longer heal your wounds, you’ve seen that no relationship kept its promise. You are thirsty and distraught but every love you find is a shallow puddle. You are betrayed and bitter.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

You thought, life could not be any better.Your world was perfect.Suddenly everything came crashing down. Before you could realize what’s going on, you were buried inside rubble and debris.You are bruised and bleeding but no one can help.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

With the economy tumbling down, your future is turning its back on you too, you don’t find the opportunities which promised you a great life there any more.You are afraid and confused wondering how you will journey in a strange and different world all by yourself.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

You feel you are living somebody else’s life, feeling overtly responsible and completely lost track of your passion and purpose. You are just dragging your life along, instead of living it.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

You feel that you’ve worked too hard and deserve a luxurious break, but that seems impossible,considering the pressure,competition,responsibilities on your back, life just seems to get harder and complicated everyday.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

You have tasted every good thing in life, but still there is a vacuum that refuses to settle. An emptiness that sucks your peace, making you feel worthless and your life meaningless.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

No one cares to see the jewel that you really are, no one cares to recognize your rare potential. You don’t fit in the crowd, because you are special. But people call you strange.Even you can’t understand yourself, and absolutely clueless about what you will amount to.

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

Things have begun to slow down, and you wonder, if everything you ever slogged and sweat for is really worth it. The greatest question of life become to strike real on your face.”Is death really final?” “Where is my journey from here?” “Can anything be done about my not-so-perfect past?” “Am I really hopeless?”

If it is you out there, Jesus is your last chance!!

Christmas, by itself is only the beginning of a story that began in a tiny place called Bethlehem, the angelic choir or the royal gifts alone don’t make it a happy story. Surrendering yourself to this Last Chance given to you by God can recreate the magic of Christmas in your life and in your home, and spark the beginning of a spectacular journey and a glorious destination, with the Master Himself.

Many are dying everyday without knowing that they have a Last Chance, and many of our brothers and sisters are forced to depart their earthly bodies so that the rest of the world may see their Last Chance.

Have you used your Last Chance?
Have you helped someone see their Last Chance?

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with true Christmas joy!!

Living with my Last Chance and enjoying every bit of it..

Published in: on December 13, 2008 at 4:50 am  Leave a Comment  

The Intelligent designer

The world has constantly been questioning the existence of a Creator and presents various theories to prove itself. Those who oppose the presence of a Creator God are unsatisfied with their own theories that they keep looking for new ones.

But those who get into a relationship with God can see His hand in work everywhere. My life is that of an ordinary student’s; but there are times when things happen that I cannot handle, at those times I am totally comfortable with God on my side; A peace above all understanding takes over when I realise that God has taken control.

The entire universe, is large and intricately complex. Just because there is a God in control we can be in perfect peace , if the entire world was held together by some random blast, we are prone to become non-existent any time.

Sometimes when there maybe nagging questions about my life and my future, This is what I tell myself , I wasn’t here by a random chance, I am here for a purpose carefully designed by God. When the world saw me for the first time; God had already seen my life beginning from the end.When the perfection of the creation around me strikes me with awe, I remember that my insignificant life also is in total in control of this Perfect Creator.. the Perfect Master.. my God.. my Father.

Isaiah 46:10
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Psalms 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Published in: on January 27, 2008 at 5:09 am  Leave a Comment